List of PL IPv4 and IPv6 networks in various formats.

It is generated from the same database polish IRCnet servers use to generate their I-lines (access lines). As new networks come to life, their admins (or users) tell us to add them, hence I hope the list is quite complete. If you see any errors or omissions, let me know.

To get notifications of new IP ranges as they are added use RSS channel

Here you can quickly check if your IP is on our list:

Enter IP:

You can fetch list of IPs in various formats, try your own:

Due to repeated requests from IPv6 tunnel brokers I also prepared list of our K-lines for *@cidr ranges, so it can be used to deny tunnels requested for K-line evasion. These are only active K-lines for full IPv4 hosts or networks.

Should anyone care, here's also full list of our active K-lines.