STATS unleashed

Piotr Kucharski

$Id: stats.sgml,v 1.10 2008/06/18 18:53:59 chopin Exp $
This document describes all STATS for ircd server 2.11.

1. Introduction

So far STATS has one-char parameter. The result always ends with 219 numeric ,,End of STATS report''. Whether it was empty output or invalid parameter can be determined by the char in 219 numeric (after the nickname): if it is the char we passed as parameter, the output was empty, if it was asterisk ,,*'', there was no such STATS we requested.

Note: 2.11.2 allows multi-char parameters (there's one such so far).

2. STATS unleashed

All examples are raw ircd output minus prefix (server name), numeric (varies from stats to stats) and nickname of a client requesting STATS. Also ending 219 numeric is omitted in whole.

a, A - iauth configuration

* rfc931
* socks reject,megaparanoid,cache=0
Shows all succesfully loaded iauth modules and their options.

b, B - bounce lines

B -1 <NULL> 4444 0
B <NULL> <NULL> 4444 0
2nd field is class number or the hostname/IP mask to match the client; if NULL, it matches any class or hostname, if ``-1'', it is used only for those clients that were rejected for connecting to server-only port. 4th is server name and 5th the port, both telling the client where it should connect to.

c - connect, zipped connect and noconnect lines

C *@ * * 6667 10
``C'' or ``c'' (lowercase is a mark for zipped links) are connect lines, that is the list of servers we will connect to. 2nd field is remote server IP (or name), 3rd the password for connection (disguised as ``*''), 4th IRC name of a server, 5th -- port that autoconnection will be attempted to (non-positive disables A/C) and finally the class this server will be using is in 6th field.

N *@ * * 1 10
``N'' stands for no-connect lines, and these are the servers that will connect to us. It is required that each ``C'' has its corresponding ``N''. The format is the same as ``C'' with an exception of last but one field: it is not a port, but a number of labels (parts of hostname between dots) from start to replace with ``*'' when introducing us to this server (allows masking).

d, D - defines

HUB:yes MS:3
LQ:128 MXC:100 TS:60 HRD:30 HGL:900 WWD:15 ATO:90
KCTL:90 DCTL:1800 LDCTL:5400 CF:1000 MCPU:10
H:63 N:9 D:9 U:10 R:50 T:160 C:50 P:20 K:23
BS:512 MXR:20 MXB:30 MXBL:1024 PY:10
ZL:-1 CM:2 CP:10 DC:15
AC: 1 CA:1 S:0 SS:85/85/109 SU:85000/85000/121765
CCL: 0x1

These shows values of most variables set in config.h or struct_def.h, compiled in the server:

d5 - defines and 005

Sends the same as

stats d
and also 005 (the same that is sent during client registration).

f, F - file descriptors report

1 4444 51397 Beeth chopin 3774
For security reasons it is available to operators only. The meaning of fields is: file descriptor number, local ip, local port, client ip, client port, client nick, client auth (ident), idle.

h, H - hub, leaf, deny lines

H * 616* 0 :-1
Hub line define what servers (2nd field) and what SIDs (3rd field) are allowed to be introduced by the server specified in 4th field.

L * * 0 :-1
Leaf line ensures that servers we are connected to (matching 4th field) do not become hubs introducing us servers matching the mask (2nd field). 3th field is ignored, 5th field is max depth.

D *.org <NULL> <NULL> 99 :0
Deny autoconnect to servers that names match 4th field or that are in a class specified by 5th field if any of the servers matching 2nd field or defined to be in class specified in 3rd field are currently present on the network or, if 2nd field prefixed with ``!'', denies autoconnect if none of the servers matching 2nd field is present on the network.

i, I - allowed user connections

I <NULL> <NULL> 0 10 -
2nd field is an IP address, IP mask or CIDR, 3rd is password (disguised by ``*'' if present), 4th is a hostname required to match, 5th is a port this line is valid for, 6th is the class client will be put in and finally 7th field is I-line flags (all explained in the INSTALL file). 2nd and 4th fields can be prefixed by ``user@'', which means ident must match as well.

K - disallowed user connections (aka kill lines)

K pc* sorry,no,entrance * 0 -1
The hostname or IP to match (CIDR allowed), kill line comment or (very rarely used) time interval when kill line is effective, username or auth to match, port on which kill line is effective. Lowercase ``k'' matches on auth, read the INSTALL file for more info.

k - disallowed user connections (aka temporary kill lines)

K pc* sorry,no,entrance * 1200 -1
The same as for ``stats K'' with one exception: field last but one shows time to live of a temporary kill line (and it always matches on all ports).

l, L - link info

clientname[] 0 181 11431 37 318 :6442
1st field is client info (client can be server, too). If uppercase ``L'' is used, then the real IP is shown, not the hostname. 2nd field is sendQ, 3rd received lines, 4th received bytes, 5th sent lines, 6th sent bytes, 7th is client uptime.

This command accepts second parameter: if present, it shows the above info only for the specified client.

m, M - commands usage stats

COMMANDNAME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 0 0
1st field is command name, the rest is in groups of 4 digits: total count, total argument bytes, remote count, remote bytes; each of 5 groups shows usage within given handler (function responsible for dealing with command coming from a given type of client), in the following sequence: server, client, oper, service, unregistered.

o, O - operator lines

o *@* * Beeth 0 10
1st field is operator type, lowercase is local operator, uppercase is global. 2nd field is the user@hostname required to match, 3rd is password (disguised as ``*''), 4th is the nickname, 5th is port (though unused) and 6th is the class user will get after becoming operator.

p - ping reports[*@] 11 0 0 -1
1st is servername (and its socketname), 2nd is sequence number of last udp ping sent, 3rd is number of received answers, 4th is average response time in miliseconds, 5th is preference used in autoconnecting. Only last 20 minutes are remembered.

P - ports listening

4444 * - 0 246 14989 48 427 7169 1 active
1st field is port number, 2nd is IP we listen on (or unix socket directory), 3rd is P-line flags, 4th field is sendQ, 5th received lines, 6th received bytes, 7th sent lines, 8th sent bytes, 9th is client uptime, 10th is number of clients using that P-line and finally, 11th shows whether it is ``active'' or ``inactive'' (delayed accept).

q, Q - quarantine lines

Q <NULL> security_reasons 0 -1
3rd field is a reason for quarantining server matching 4th field.

r, R - system usage

CPU Secs 1269:55 User 975:10 System 294:45
RSS 180656 ShMem 4294962080 Data 1446 Stack 4294963143
Swaps 0 Reclaims 882162 Faults 14516
Block in 13 out 0
Msg Rcv 21277744 Send 56443634
Signals 16 Context Vol. 14305344 Invol 6442565
DBUF alloc 60 blocks 40867
Just read man getrusage().

s, S - service lines

S *@ * ServiceName 0x3F00FFFF 0
2nd field is hostmask service is allowed to connect from, 3rd is password (diguised as ``*''), 4th is service name, 5th is service type and 6th is class number.

t, T - statistics

accepts 1269601 refused 1173948
Clients accepted and refused.
unknown: commands 534523 prefixes 88
Unknown commands and prefixes received.
nick collisions 47 saves 10, unknown closes 1210400
Unknown closes are all those closed that never got to client (user, service or server) state.
wrong direction 0 empty 1937
Messages coming from wrong direction and empty messages.
users without servers 0 ghosts N/A
numerics seen 261332 mode fakes 2894
auth: successes 0 fails 0
local connections 12 udp packets 0
udp errors 0 udp dropped 0
link checks 38 passed 1 15s/35 30s dropped 0Sq/0Yg/2Fl
Calls to check_link(), accepted early (last one made more than 15s ago, but little sendQ), accepted (more than 30s ago), dropped because of too high sendQ (64kB), too young link (less than 60 sec), simply refused.
whowas turnover 490/13570/34247 [90]
ndelay turnover 8001/46556/195114 [1800]
abuse protections 1 strict 1
delay close 0 total 996
Current number of delayed fds and total.
Client - Server
connected 58205 1
bytes sent 4566999994 30687304
bytes recv 376478537 500907236
time connected 844868798 367786
Summary of (respectively) client and server: connected amounts, bytes sent, bytes received and overall time connected.
iauth modules statistics (Wed Mar 24 22:44:05 2004)
spawned: 1, current options: 3 (2.11.0a5)
rfc931 connected 516946 unix 292818 other 7809 bad 205665 out of 1268450
rfc931 skipped 0 aborted 83143 / 77594
socks open 8/1/0 closed 0/20/0 noproxy 21655
socks cache open 15 closed 2 noproxy 1110772 miss 157676 (285 <= 1029)
Apart from iauth stats (start time, number of times respawned, options), all iauth modules statistics (if available).

Most of these are self-explanatory. Should you want more words about some, drop me a note.

u, U - uptime

Server Up 0 days, 0:31:55
You guessed right, that's ircd uptime.

v, V - version restriction lines

V IRC/0210* IRC/D * 0 0
2nd field is version to match, 3rd is server flags, 4th is server name mask. (If all match, server is rejected; this one rejects all 2.10 servers compiled with 'D' (debugmode).)

X - denied connections

X * . . * * *
Denies client connection based on what client sends in USER command. First four fields of X line correspond one by one to those of USER, then nick. Last field is matched against client ip or host mask (defaults to any if not present).

y, Y - class lines

Y 0 300 0 16000 3000000 12.2 24.2 13 13/24
2nd field is class number, 3rd is ping frequency, 4th is connect frequency (used only by servers), 5th maximum number of clients that can attach to this class (maxlinks), 6th is maximum sendQ for each client, 7th defines local limits, 8th field global limits (read the INSTALL file for details) and 9th is number of clients using this Y line. 10th field is (if present) CIDR limit, here: 13 clients allowed in each /24 network using that Y-line.

z, Z - memory usage

Client Local 2749(2210196) Remote 111389(8911120) Auth 31(1030)
Users 114064 in/visible 103664/10393(17337728) Invites 17(204)
User channels 418848(5026176) Aways 890(29745)
Attached confs 2719(32628)
Conflines 4888(527572)
Classes 18(792)
Channels 55106(19083997) Modes 65117(1879252) History 0(0) Cache 0(0)
Channel members 418879(5026548) invite 17(204)
Whowas users 111214(16904528) away 109(3679) links 12502(150024)
Whowas array 133852(10172752) Delay array 133852(2677040)
Hash: client 135347(1624164) chan 67741(812892)
All these tell the number of items and (in the parens) the memory all such items use.
Dbuf blocks 40867(83205212) (> 40867 [40867]) (45 < 3575) [0]
Number of dbuf blocks in use (and memory they use), number of dbufs allocated during startup, the same number again (almost always), dbufs in use, max dbufs in use, number of times dbufs were increased.
RES table 8072
Structs 20440 IP storage 12344 Name storage 12685
Resolver tables current sizes in bytes.
Total: ww 27080959 ch 25990001 cl 33547797 co 527572 db 83205212
Total amount of memory for whowas (ww), all channel related items (ch), all client related items (cl), all configuration lines (co) and all dbufs allocated (db).
TOTAL: 172842930 sbrk(0)-etext: 249755424
Total amount of memory used from sbrk() call.

? - connected servers info (4, 06:31:29) 1S 2725C 491646kB sent 30180kB recv 0kB sq V3z
Server name, (days, hour:min:sec link uptime), servers connected, clients connected, kB sent, kB received, sendQ and link version ('z' for ziplink). There also can be "BURST" word at the end, indicating netjoin in progress.

3. Enhancements

If you notice some errors or wish to have some things explained better, drop a line to