Ircd 2.11 server to server protocol Last modified: Mon Dec 31 02:03:59 CET 2001 jv Tue Mar 23 12:32:33 MET 2004 chopin ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Unique identifier ------------------------------------------------------ Almost all resources connected to IRC network have their Unique ID (except services). ID always starts with a digit and is made of A-Z0-9 alphabet. Server Unique Identifier - SID ------------------------------- Unique three chars long identifier of server, which always begins with a digit. SID is always 4 letters long for 2.11 servers. For 2.10 servers, fake SIDs are generated in form of $ and are also 4 letters long. Such fake-SIDs works just like old 2.10 tokens. This has advantage that we will be able to throw token code out at some point and also that we know which remote servers are 2.10 ones(if not masked behind 2.10 sid). Also, it's a need, because otherwise we wouldn't be able to distinguish from token and SID in SERVER messages. User Unique Identifier - UID ------------------------------- Is generated from SID and Client ID. CID is server-unique identifier begining with AAAAA. UID is always 9 letters long. (This may change when we finally switch to longer nicknames.) ID usage ------------------------------- For server to server communcation, UID/SID is always used where possible, but not as a source of numerics. UID/SID is never send as source to user, unless specified otherwise. UID is never allowed for users to be used as a target. II. Commands ------------------------------------------------------ UID/SID as a source is always used for server to server communaction when object has one. UID/SID is *never* send to users and *never* accepted from users. "*" denotes new command in protocol. is the origin of this message. UID,SID,servername,nickname or servicename. - PASS authentication and server version. - : SERVER : in case source is missing, remote server is introducing itself to us. For 2.10 servers, fake sid is generated(see section I.a) Version is same format as used in PASS command, ie 0210990100 And it's NOT present in initial SERVER message. If remote version is unknown, 0 is sent. * : SMASK introduces server behind mask. Masking server replaces SERVER message with SMASK, but keeps the source. Version is in PASS-format version, ie 0210990100, 0 if we don't know. - : SQUIT squits server/sid. Accepts SID from Oper. * : EOB *( "," ) end of burst command, this command is flooded to whole network. SID list contains all sids for which this EOB is valid. * : ENCAP : Generic data encapsculation. (Not yet decided or done.) target can be comma separated list of SIDs or *.tld. * : UNICK + : introduction of new client, source is SID of the user's server. - : NJOIN :[@@|@] [+] *( "," [@@|@] [+]) join to channel, both burst and not. - : NICK nich change - NICK + : introduction of 2.10 clients. Compatibility SID is used instead of 2.10-style token when talking to 2.11 servers. compsid is actually sidtoi(SID). - : KILL : "(" ")" client kill. Source is servername or nickname(oper). * : SAVE : client save after collision. - : CONNECT [] - : SERVICE : - SERVSET - : MODE [ ] - : PRIVMSG : - : NOTICE : - : SQUERY : message delivery - : JOIN : *(",") user joining to channel. (this is client-server command in 2.11 only; it is kept, however, for compatibility with 2.10) - : PART : user parting a channel. - : KICK : - : TRACE Trace allows to specifiy SID from user if source is Oper. - : TOPIC :[] - : INVITE - : WALLOPS : - : PING - : PONG - : QUIT : user leaving irc. - : WHOIS - : WHOWAS *("," ) - : LIST *("," ) - : LUSERS - : TIME - : VERSION - : STATS - : LINKS [] - : ADMIN - : USERS - : SUMMON - : INFO - : MOTD - USERHOST *("," ) - OPER - HELP - UMODE - ERROR : - AWAY : - ISON : *("," ) - WHO [o] - RECONNECT - CLOSE - HAZH - REHASH - DNS - RESTART - DIE III. 2.10 compatibility ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fake SIDs for 2.10 servers, we generate fake SID. Two digits from ID alphabet are added to SID of server to which is 2.10 connected to. example: 2.11 server - 42U. First 2.10 server connected will get SID 42UAA. - EOB End Of Burst is emulated for 2.10 servers by sending PING and waiting for PONG.( or no such server from <2.10.3p2, in case of masks) IV. Example network ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Example network topology. -------------------------- servers: (*.de) --------------- (*.cz) - 49B (2.11) - 42U (2.11) | | |- - 49F |-- - 42F (2.11) | | \- (2.10) \- (2.10) users: user Khu is on has uid 42UAAAAAA user Tuvc is on has uid 42FAAAAAA user Sic is on and doesn't have an uid user NetFree is on and has uid 49FAAAAAAA user Uanem is on tu-ilmenau and doesn't have any uid. all users are on #test. Now we will show what will happen in some example cases. Note that examples doesn't follow each other and are completely separate. Starting point is that everything is connected together and users are on their servers. 1) *.de and *.cz were split and now they are connecting together. *.de - sees: SERVER *.cz 1 42U :UHK server :42U SMASK 42F 2 :42U SMASK $AA 2 :42U UNICK Khu AAAAAA user +iw :Client on uhk. :42F UNICK Tuvc AAAAAA root +iw :Client on cvut. NICK Sic 2 admin $AA +iw :Client on cis. :42U NJOIN #test :@42UAAAAAA,@42FAAAAAA,+Sic :42U EOB 42U,42F,$AA *.cz ( sees: SERVER *.de 1 49B :Belwue server. :49B SMASK 49F 2 :49B SMASK $AA 2 :49F UNICK NetFree AAAAAA noc +w :freenet client NICK Uanem 2 guest $AA + :Client on Ilmenau :49B NJOIN #test :@49FAAAAAA,Uanem :49B EOB 49B,42F,$AA sees: - similar to above, except hopcount is increased and SERVER message prefixed. sees: SERVER *.de 2 sidtoi(42B) :Belwue server. NICK NetFree 3 noc sidtoi(49B) +w :Client on freenet NICK Uanem 3 guest sidtoi(49B) + :Client on Ilmenau NJOIN #test :@NetFree,Uanem 2) was split and is now connecting. - generates "fake" SID for and propagate server. gets: :42U SERVER 2 $AA :VUTBR server NICK Sic $AA admin 2 +iw :Client on cis. NJOIN #test :+Sic :42U EOB $AA *.de ( gets: :42U SMASK $AA NICK Sic $AA admin 2 +iw :Client on cis. NJOIN #test :+Sic :42U EOB $AA gets: SERVER 1 sidtoi(42U) :UHK server SERVER 2 sidtoi(42F) :FELK server SERVER *.de 2 sidtoi(49B) :Belwue server. NICK Khu 1 user 1 +iw :Client on uhk. NICK Tuvc 2 root sidtoi(42F) +iw :Client on cvut NICK NetFree 3 noc sidtoi(49B) +w :Client on freenet .^--- ! it's SID of*.de)! NICK Uanem 3 guest sidtoi(49B) + :Client on Ilmenau NJOIN #test :@Khu,@Tuvc,@NetFree,Uanem NICK Sic sidtoi(42U) admin 3 +iw :Client on cis. NJOIN #test :+Sic 3) splits from SQUIT :Ping timeout. *.de ( :42U SQUIT 42F ^^ - since we know it's internal split, it's not sent to &SERVERS. sees: :Tcuv QUIT